Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Bukit Rahardjo (16642)
This picture is taken as one part of learning process of using my first DSLR camera, after using pocket automatic camera for so long. It is challenging and enjoyable experience indeed...hopefully i can learn a lot of technique and vision with this camera. Of course, comment and suggestion from FNers are most welcome as one of the invaluable knowledge source for my photography development...manythanks...bukitrnrnrnDate Time Original: 2006:12:06 21:06:31rnISO Speed Ratings: 800
18 tahun yang lalu
Great idea, sharp and composed nicely!
eittt kreatif nehhh......nice pict....salam
jeli banget bro, salut...
Wow unik banget idenya.. pretty interesting tone di pantulannya.. jadi campuran magenta :)
asyik...detail yang masuk di hiasan natal rame. nice foto
idenya boleh juga nih... nice capture.
Narsis banget hoooiiii.... Hihihi.... Cerdas dan cermat. Keren abis konsepnya. Salut atas idenya
hehehe..kreatif banget nih..jeli..saalam
idenya ok neh... heheheh salam jepret!!
asik idenya....tone keren...
Very creative. Nice composition. The reflection looks nice. Good job
Keren eksprimennya....good job....keep upload bro...
pak ditungguin tuh ama yg dibelakang:P,nice idee.salam
Huhuyyy gear baru, slmt bergabung di canonian, hahaha... Cakep neh refleksinya..tajam! Nice capture.
ide nya kreatif bro.............tajam dan bening...............
gile..keren pak..idenya mantap..tembus neh fokusnya kedalem refleksinya..creative narsis mode pak.. :p salam..
sip, sip mas, ide yg bagus, dibelakang ada org lain judulnya jadi our potrait, he..he
idenya segar...!!! good job...salam kenal
great idea..
kreatif. poi bagus...great bro..salam
unik, kreatif, salut! nice shot..
keren, nice pic, great idea, great shot!
creative, idenya mantab... tajam lagi, nice pic...
INdeed creative. Keep shooting.