Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Bukit Rahardjo (16642)
This picture is taken as one part of learning process of using my first DSLR camera, after using pocket automatic camera for so long. It is challenging and enjoyable experience indeed...hopefully i can learn a lot of technique and vision with this camera. Of course, comment and suggestion from FNers are most welcome as one of the invaluable knowledge source for my photography development...manythanks...bukitrnrnrnDate Time Original: 2006:12:06 21:06:31rnISO Speed Ratings: 800
18 tahun yang lalu
idenya keren! fotonya juga cakep, nice tone & composition! Great work! Salam
uh mantep and creatif.nice shot.narsis juga nih kayaknya heheh.
great idea! very interesting ...
Gile... Idenya..., Kreatif Om. Salam
great jobb boss.. keren dan unik nih.. salam
Well harus diakui... Hasil jepret Hand-held yang tajam.... Salam
idenya gak habis2....ada2 aja....salam!
idenya muantab Bung Bukit.....i see you there...he..10x :D...congrat for you brand new Canon EOS 30D
kreatippp... idenya luar biasa dan tajam... salam
nice idea, cakep execusinya, salam
mantap boss..refleksi asyik.............temanya natal donk !.....s@l@m
Keren euy... ide & ketajaman fotonya luar biasa! great job dude
NICE SHOT, tajam, croping bagus. thank's
idenya keren, lightingnya juga mendukung. keep uploading
ide yg kreatif....benda bundar di kanan sedikit mengganggu...salam
unik.... SALAM ^_^
foto uang kreatif mas....
creative idea mas...mantap.........salam kenal...
bening and tajam sekali...refleksinya tonnal-nya mantap......pak....
mantap Bro...
salut dan creative.........keep upload dech yg baus kayak gini.........sukses slalu...salami
Ide yg kreatif,bening refleksinya............ salam.
B I S A A J A . . . . . . .
nice idea,,,, refleksi kaya pake fisheye,,,, keren2, salam!!
First up load of new camera you got 3TU let's get 5 TU for the future, selamat menikmati camera baru nya bro.