Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Janette J. D. Najoan (28563)
Dear FNers,nnMasih seri hunting di negeri Papua, tapi kali ini bukan landscape biar ngga pada bosan…nIni diambil di depan Gereja Advent Doyo Lama, pinggir Danau Sentani. Ngga tau nama bunganya…nSepertinya bunga liar yg tumbuh di antara rumput dan bebatuan krn Cuma ini satu2nya yang terlihat. Yang satu blm mekar dan yang satu sudah mekar dibasahi embun pagi, yang mekar seakan menopang yg masih kuncup utk tetap berdiri… ini jd inspirasi u/ dijudulin "Plz hold me to Stand..."nnThere's no deepest sadness than we lost someone that we love to...nnBUT...nnThere's no widest hand as wide as His hand to hold our sorrow...nThere's no biggest hug as big as His hug to hold us in His deepest chess...nThere's no comfort place as comfort as His shadow to take shelter...nThere’s no beautiful arm as beauty as His arm to hold us…nThere's no deepest love as deep as His love for His children who always surrender Him...nnANDnnThere's no biggest promise as big as His promise that He will always walk beside us entire life...nnLord.. please keep walk with me and hold my hand ‘coz I can’t stand alone.nnWelcome for any comment biar tambah kuat… thanks n’ GBU all.nnOriginal picture + PS untuk adj. curve, color balance n’ burning seadanya + framing.nnDate Time Original: 2006:10:29 05:13:05nISO Speed Ratings: 80
18 tahun yang lalu
nice macroshot...... embun-nya bagus sekali..... GBU... -fs-
Kembang putih berselimutkan kegelapan, Embun lembut menyentuh sukma, Walau kelam menyelimuti melawan harapan, Ingatlah Tuhan yang selalu engkau bersama. Nice picture, wonderful creation, Inspired photograher, hold God thru temptation
Suka konsep di belakangnya. When you are in trouble, listen to your conscience. Sweet droplets on the flowers. Salam,
Good shot. It is difficult to captured white object with good details and contrast such like that. Regards...
emang kak jane spesialis macro n landscape mantap deh
1 - kurang tajeeeem 2 - sedikit oe jadi kehilangan detil di kelopaknya 3 - warna nya terlalu gelap untuk hijaunya. ada burning sepertinya. kenapa tidak malah di bring up warna hijaunya ?
nice close up shot sist... moment kuncup dan mekarnya bagus nih... take care always sist... well done...