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Maria Y.P. Ardianingtyas, Dian (27437)
I can think of younger daysrnWhen living for my lifernWas everything a man could want to dornI could never see tomorrowrnBut I was never told about the sorrowrnAnd how can you mend a broken heart?rnHow can you stop the rain from falling down?rnHow can you stop the sun from shining?rnWhat makes the world go round?rnHow can you mend a this broken man?rnHow can a loser ever win?rnPlease help me mend my broken heartrnAnd let me live againrnI can still feel the breezernThat rustles through the treesrnAnd misty memories of days gone byrnWe could never see tomorrowrnNo one said a word about the sorrowrnAnd how can you mend a broken heart?rnHow can you stop the rain from falling down?rnHow can you stop the sun from shining?rnWhat makes the world go round?rnHow can you mend this broken man?rnHow can a loser ever win?rnPlease help me mend my broken heartrnAnd let me live again...[Michael Buble&Bee Gees sing How can you mend a broken heart]rnrnretouch with Adobe PS CS2.Date original 8 January 2005 @ 7.08 pm. Your best critics are very welcome...
18 tahun yang lalu
jeli nih... angle dan komponya keren, tone bewenya mantap...kontras terjaga....Salam -hsn-
nice BW & compo .... tapi terlalu gelap dikit gak ya ... salam
Arsitektur yg artistik, kompo dan tonal asik....salam
frame - compose- timing nya bagus... mungkin sedikit oversharpened... IMHO. :)
Angle dan komposisinya cakep Mba... Salam...
wah keren mbak...bwnya pas bgt...slm
megah!!! angelnya menarik, tonenya mantap, sukses...
wah mbak dian oleh2nya mana lagi? nampol nih BW-nya....sedappp :salam:
nice wb. mantap pak
asik banget tempatnya ya ... tempat suami ya ... :) kapan lagi ada acara moto panggung?
dramatis oey. objeknya emg keren sih. nice job!
keren BW nya....
view yang menawan, komposisi dan tonenya ok punya,.............
Megah dan cakep gedungnya, foto arsitektural yang cakep, nice BW tone, Salam.
grainy and BW jadi terkesan oldies dan megahh..
Komposisi dan kontras B/Wnya keren...
one of my fav songs...:) nice BW cakep komposisi dan anglenya....
awannya tajem..anglenya udah pas,mengcover bagian gedung..perfect in BW..
b/w nya nendang banget...salam na
manis BWnya mba cakep deh kapan yah aku bisa kesini :P
tone dan komposisinya mantp bener mbak... salam
bwnya sip bgt nih salam
wuih segernya................
komposisinya cakep, nice BW, salam