Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
A Darwis Triadi (21791)
11 tahun yang lalu
suka warna fotonya :D
17 tahun yang lalu
dahsyaaattt mas darwis..
warnanya antik mas...
mas, mistik banget fotonya...hehehe
18 tahun yang lalu
le masterpiece.... from a master.. bravo!
mantap bgt, ga bisa komentar lg deh.
top konsep seremnya...
it looks scary./..but nice...and it looks like it came out from a gothic album cover...do you know what i mean...the moment is great and there's such a big mystery around it...maybe you should call sherlock holmes to solve the mystery...anyways...if you have the time..please come to bandung...pasundan university (UNPAS)...the one at setiabudhi...there's a faculty teaching photography...and if you can teach us tricks and tips...on how to take quality pictures...the students would gladly apreciate it...
Amaizing foto nich... PAs banget IRnya...
spooky...nice pose..nice kompo and tone...great!!
wuuuiihhh perfect banget.... salam.
keren banget, IR tapi seperti lukisan ya...salut dech
kesan mistisnya mantab, salam
Benar-benar master...peace ! Memang depend on the man behind the gun !
so beautiful, like a dream
oldignya keren... top banget memang om darwis
wow... one word AMAZING.. kok bisa kaya lukisan begini yagh? bener2 di tangan profesional.. ckckck.. nice Picture.. ^^ salam kenal Om.. ^^
keren bgt mas complit bgt dari composisi sampe tonenya manthab... salamm
indah sekali.... tp backgroundnya agak noise
Hiii sereeeeemmmm..... Top marketop..!!!! Tonenya asic bos....!!!!
OLahan asyik....salam
Cantik seperti lukisan yg mengandung misteri. Salam...
klasik, keren, kaya berhantu. hehhe
kesan klasiknya terasa bgt. top.... salam