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Karmela Amanda Hasan, Mel (39039)
Oblivious to the madding crowd, this building look so cold and creepy.rnI only took the tower cause it caught my eyes as ironic.rnA cold building surrounded by deafening sounds from the thousands of people who desperately looking for last minute Christmas present or simply like me, trapped in an unexpected human flood and fighting for seasick in the middle of Orchard Road, 2 nights from Christmas Day.rnrnDon't worry Guys, I survived.rnrnNotes : Hasil dari jalan2 gak keruan malam ini bersama suamiku tersayang (Bang AING), Tony Tj, Mazbaz, dan Mei Ling Ling (Wellington nama machonya sih) :)rnrnOya, ini handheld :)
Fotografer sedang dalam suspend/verifikasi identitas/verifikasi e-mail. Foto tidak bisa dikomentari
18 tahun yang lalu
Untung aja ada bahasa indonesia nya di Keterangan, ehhehhe begadang nih mbak mel... upload nya in the middle of night.. si kecil udah tidur :) NighShot OK's nehh .. ni menara berapa meter tingginya mbak... pake camera gitu kok masih dapat yak ??
curang... cepet bener aplotnya :(( yes, we fell into oblivion amidst the crowd :)) :))