Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Dina Satika (15088)
I wake up this morningnMy face pressednin the dewy mess of a dreamnHope it were just a dreamnBut I realize that it wasn’t a dreamnnBeyond my strength a ghost hauntednHaunted me with a fearnIndefinite fear…nBeyond my knowing a ghost actednActed beneath the coralnMy black side flednThe white stoppednnLive in this rowdiness earthnWrecks other…one wounds the other onenIntentional thingnLive in it.. survive survive survive…nI have to stand up bravelynUntil the eternity…nnDate Time Original: 2005:12:09 13:41:28nISO Speed Ratings: 400
18 tahun yang lalu
crop-nya enak, warnanya juga mendukung suasananya.
What a shot... Absolutely....a great shot... perfect doff... great tone... amazingly composite.... The photo just flawless.... Great2 photo....mezmerising...... absolutely divine'.. cheers'
ini foto si fotografernya sendiri ya............... angle nya menarik........... foto narsis yang keren..... he4 becanda mBak............... btw, skrng pake kamera baru apa nih? kan 350D nya dah laku...... =) - saLam kenaL -
19 tahun yang lalu
foto yang sangat cantik.. well.. nyerah deh.. speechless... :( NBY
great presentation ^^.the composition is superb and i also like the format ^^. anyway nice wing ,i would like to buy them T_T great job
kerenn..once again tonenya kena bgt. motretnya always with feeling ya.. the combination of the beautiful shot along with the deep n very moving poetry makes the photo comes alive..great work! keep comin at it frm da heart..
Cakep Cil, suka ama soft tonenya nih. makin mahir aja nih lama kelamaan. Salute!
Expresinya natural... tone menarik... Nice PIC SALAM
ekspressinya OK tone mantap dan komposisi asik bgt!!!!! salut2.... salam
sweet picture...croppingnya bagus...tone bagus....salam ^^
foto diri neh ? he..he.he..
keren salam
crop nya asyik dinikmati, tone dan flare lightingnya aku suka... sayapnya siapa di bg
mmmhhh... nice pic, dina... hhehhehee... asoj deh... kmrn napa gak ikoetan foto session..??
apik bener din...itu lampu dofnya bisa kayak gt ya...tonenya asik, noisenya juga apik tuh din...top deh -salam-
wow......... luar biasa din, apik deh. Sama kayak si pret, bintangnya kog ngganggu ya, tll jelas mungkin di blur lagi lebih keren. Abis gelap terbitlah terang..... Fin Melia udah lelap, datanglah Dina Satika dengan benderang. Idola baruku nih.... hehehe... salam wow
wow self potraitnya, asik sekali,..... komposisinya, anglenya tepat deh, salut,.... Tone colornya saya suka deh,....
very nice pic!! betul2 mantab fotonya!!
Malaikatnya kok letih, lemah, lesu gitu? Tapi fotonya keren kok, tonenya cakep.
woow... its really expressing the dreammy feeling. nice tone... great pic nieh :) YM lagi kaga jalan... :( salam
Mantapppp Din, suka banget dng mood loe dan tonenya.
iii lutju... ada malaekat lemes.. knapa tu? hoahaohaoha
asik bgt secara keseluruhan.............mantep dah!!!
apik soro Salam n JBU !!!