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Dina Satika (15088)
my Freezing HeartnnIs this my fate?nAttempts to dissuadenHim to eradicatenOf disregarding mennWhither thou go?nDon’t I entice thy demise?nJust hope thy rigid demisenMelted by purity and gazennPerjured myself do you?nFront adore menBack Stab me nIs this my fate?nnSuch as a widow InDeep longing inhale the same airnBestow myself to kneelnAt thy thralldom of thronennForlorn me, myself and InStiff standing straightnKeep it and hold itnn‘till the end of world-miserynnby-dina satika- (melow mode=ON)nDate Time Original: 2005:11:27 18:18:25nISO Speed Ratings: 100
19 tahun yang lalu
olahannya mantaps... calon FPE nich... Goodlah... salam
Top dah.... ^_^ G B U
oughhhh...........so cooooollllllllllllllllllllllllllll ;))
cakep ligthing nya
suka bgt dgn lightingnya dont know much bout a poem, but if it's long...it's good :)
Creative !!! .... Good one .
konsep, lighting dan komposisinya bagus.., very nice..
gila din... apik soro, lihat foto dan puisimu .... life goes on... salam wow
gila, keren banget lighting & komponya... FPE nih... salut mbak
wah keren banget nih mantep light nya salam
nice freeze... cool expression cuma itu text inggris berat amat sih kosa katanya... ndak mudeng aku. hoaoahaha
aduh arek iki rek makin mantep aja modellingnya.... TOP DIN...
Tone nya gak nahan..wind effect freeze nya kena bangedh..lighting juga.. Nice Crop..,nice potret salam
i love it
mantep!!!! keren abis...!!! nggak bisa comment lagi..!! Salam......
top deh!...tone,ekspresi,dan efek anginnya cakep euy! ................sip banget deh! .............salam!
napa mellow non????bru putus..hihihi.... cakep ni tone na...tapi kok ada jerawat na yah...mbok yo di clone dulu... salam
Nice low key....can't say much..you are really talented!
Mantep lightingnya...
keren abizzzz..... cantik cantik cantik.... salam mbak din,
Te O Pe dech, Salam, .......................
asik Din! btw shape hidung ampir amblas... :D
suka dengan lightingnya. nice portrait! :)
Ini mah sdh keliatan pro-nya :) NIce bgt :) Salam (",)