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D. Risanti (56932)
Seri Kijkubus di Rotterdam, jahitan dari 2 foto. Ternyata menjahit foto arsitektur adalah yang tersulit yang pernah saya lakukan. Memakan waktu berhari², setelah selesai ternyata baru saya dapati artikelnya di majalah CHIP Foto Video edisi April 05.. :D Sama juga triknya dengan yang saya pakai :DrnrnrnThe city of Rotterdam is not afraid to try something new and different. An example is the ‘cube houses’ located in the area called Blaak. rnrnrnTHE DESIGNERrnrnrnThe cube house, or pole house, is a design of the Dutch architect Piet Blom (1934-1999). The construction of the 38 cube houses started in 1982 and was completed in 1984. Blom thought of his design as an abstract tree and of the total complex as a wood. A cube house reminds of a tree hut that is accessible through the pole. rnrnrnTHE CONCEPTrnrnrnBlom’s idea was to create a kind of village within a city. On street level, several public activities take place in small businesses, shops, school and on a playground. The living is done in the cube houses upstairs, thus combining the public with the private. rnThe complex is in fact a pedestrian bridge arching the street below. Blom was asked by the municipal town planners to ‘furnish’ this bridge. In a sense, the cube houses are an architectonic experiment, in which Blom considered form, aesthetics and spatial effects more important than functionality and practical purpose. rnrnrnTHE SURROUNDINGSrnrnrnThe cube looks as if it is tilted and placed with one point on a pole, so that three sides are facing the ground and the other three are facing the sky. rnClose to the cube houses you will see the pencil-shaped ‘Potlood’ (Pencil), a residential building also designed by Blom.rnrnrnNear the cube houses is a docking area in the oldest harbor of Rotterdam, the popular Oude (Old) Haven. Historic vessels are brought here for repairs or reconstruction. The wide-open public walking and sitting area allows a close-up view of the ships. Sidewalk cafes, restaurants, and outdoor concerts make this a lively spot. A short walk along the terraces will bring you to the Witte Huis (White House), 148 feet tall, once Holland’s only ‘skyscraper’!rnrnrnTerima kasih kritik dan sarannya.. :DrnrnPS: maaf saya tidak bisa mencabut tiang lampunya, jadi terpaksa nongol di sana. Ada angle lain yang menghindari tiang lampu, tapi saya malah kehilangan detil bangunan T_T
19 tahun yang lalu
menarik.. warna" asik mbak doty :)
Wah komposisi yang TOP skale
Komposisi yang bagus banget, warna yang oke
cantik komposisi warnanya mba salam
Masih belum keliatan juga bentuk keseluruhannya ... :( ok jahitannya, langitnya tetap kinclong.
wow.... komposisnya unik dan anglenya berani... mantab......