rnFor you and I are sons of one religion, and it is the spirit." rnrn- words of wisdom by Kahlil Gibran –rnrn rnrn" />
Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Indi Soemardjan (7483)
treinta y uno (treh-een-tah ee oo-no) is the spanish word for thirty one in english or tiga puluh satu in indonesian.rnrn rnrnit has been thirty one weeks and several more to go.rnrn rnrnI have made a promise to myself and my wife Rani that… rnrnwhen the baby boy has all grown up, I will tell him this:rnrn rnrn"I love you when you bow in your mosque, kneel in your temple, pray in your church. rnrnFor you and I are sons of one religion, and it is the spirit." rnrn- words of wisdom by Kahlil Gibran –rnrn rnrn
20 tahun yang lalu
Its nice pic anyway.. looks clean... best regard to family..
Istrinya seniman juga nih... well... semoga kelahirannya lancar dan bayinya sehat :D
idenya menarik, keterangan lebih "nendang" daripada gambarnya..
Butuh keberanian yg besar untuk menampilkan wife di FN, art-nya ok.
Komposisi OK, lighting dari belakang ditambah dan yang muka sedikit dikurangi mungkin profilnya akan lebih keluar, imho.
cakep sekali...... -salam kenal-
Very artistic...nice pict and I think the picture is very stylist not vulgar (I've seen more vulgar picts here in FN)...and I do like your poem very much...all the best with the pregnancy, keep on shooting and keep on making babies :)
komposisinya bagus
suku dgn Kahlil gibranya... good luck for the baby jaa...
komposisinya seperti posisi bayi...cantik..nice idea
kereeen... saya suka anglenya... [v]
nice picture, komposisinya asik...B carefull.. any body at home?
baguss kok ! tapi udah izin blom nih ma istri fotonya di taruh di sini ??
high quality pict. wah anda cinta sekali ya sama istrinya sampai jd modelnyha. :) salam semoga anaknya jd anak yg berbakti sma orang tua dan jadi fotografer pro seperti bapaknya. cheers
exolon26: well nice poem exolon26: and a very noble message also exolon26: just don't think it works well visually... Indi: i know Indi: the words and pic do not work well i realized Indi: wanting too much to think about what the boy will be
nice picture, tangan yang jadi obyek sangat tajam dan menonjol karena cahaya dari kiri bawah, apa dicoba juga cahaya dari kanan atas ? bisa mengurangi dominannya tangan... mungkin lho...! nice words of wisdom too !
Kok istri srendiri fotonya disesumbarin sih