Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Sonny F. Walukow (9601)
Caroline is a friend of Jess Bailey. She came to the studio to accompany Jess for her nude photo session with me. Caroline is not a model but to me she have pretty face and I need to give a try to take picture of her.rnrnrnAvailable lighting in the room. No fill, no reflector, no strobes. Handheld camere. No tripod used.
20 tahun yang lalu
posisi, dan cropping yg menarik
Nice dof & angle
wow nice angle and model... well done !!
slurpp....nice pose..very seduction. but a little OE in her cheek..
Bening euy..........mantab lightnya...
angle yang menarik, komposisi juga apik...
Cakep,.... anglenya OK.
Great shot man, excellent taste
Nice pose, nice color.
Great angle....look very different, nice shot
ok benget...lebih okeh lgi kl kostumnya nggak biasa2 aja...salam
great shot.,,saya suka dengan lightingnya..justru karena harsh..jadi ada gregetnya. Sayang nggak dibuat BW..
Wow anglenya menarik banget. Cuma mungkin White balancenya mesti rada diatur2 dikit, soalnya kalau menurut pandangan gue sih rada ke-ijo2-an. Ama backgroundnya kayaknya kalau rada monoton, perfekt deh... ;-)
anglenya yg menarik
good shooting... love the composition and angle of shoot.... a little soft for me, but well done!
Komposisi yg bagus, angle yg menarik... angle begini benar2 tergantug dr si model, kalau nggak fotogenik bakalan aneh jadinya. BG sangat mengganggu. But still a good photo because of the model.
wow...nice DOF, almost loosing detail in face outline...S1! big brother to my S2 :D, love the skin colour, so nature...:D
angle asyik...
nice shoot but the background???
great shot, i love the eyes :)
DOFnya mantab sekali Son, sayang BGnya rada semrawut, mkn kalok BGnya warnaya seirama, asyik, klok nggak dibikin BW aja Son, salam....
gaya yang bagus. Tapi menurut saya kurang pas kombinasi warnanya. Salam.