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Helmut Schadt (6706)
This buffalo was slaughtered early morning on the banks of holy Bagmati river in the outskirts of Kathmandu. Carried by a porter in a basket with the help of a string around the forehead the buffalo head and meat is brought to a butcher's shop to be sold there................rnAs it was a rather misty morning when I took this picture I intensified the impression in PS elements to show the situation more clearly. This makes the picture grainy but I find this suits to this kind of photography................. Your comments are welcome and highly appreciated.........................................................................rnP.S.: Concerning the title “Apocalypse Now“ I did choose this after one user in http://www.fotocommunity.de/ where I have this picture http://www.fotocommunity.de/pc/pc/mypics/30258/display/726126 too, did write in his comment that this picture remembers him about scenes shown in this movie about the Vietnam war. As we can see from the comment of Rudy Subagyo here, that I appreciate a lot, rnit is obvious that also people here in FN, especially those who have seen that movie can very well understand the meaning of this title in connection to the shown photograph..........................rnTerima kasih banyak untuk komentar Anda.
21 tahun yang lalu
Fotonya berbicara, nice capture
ckckckckckckckck EDAN!!!!
tak salah lagi.. moment ini begitu menarik... jeli melihat moment yg tepat... nice moment dan nice shot
the picture makes a strong impression, but i don't like the title, though the image itself rather gloomy and graphic, i don't see apoclypse now. outstanding picture, but not the title.
Pilihan grainy yang menarik dan bercerita tentang sesuatu...
Nice shot...
Uniquely composed picture, I tend to agree with you that the grainy makes your story intesify, you just make a great story!
Nice object..a little bit weird i have never see it before =)
wow, nice captured. rare but unique object. pity it just a bit blurry, the detail not clear enough, so in glance not easy to understand the story...but yet, i love the title! ;-)