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Helmut Schadt (6706)
This buffalo was slaughtered early morning on the banks of holy Bagmati river in the outskirts of Kathmandu. Carried by a porter in a basket with the help of a string around the forehead the buffalo head and meat is brought to a butcher's shop to be sold there................rnAs it was a rather misty morning when I took this picture I intensified the impression in PS elements to show the situation more clearly. This makes the picture grainy but I find this suits to this kind of photography................. Your comments are welcome and highly appreciated.........................................................................rnP.S.: Concerning the title “Apocalypse Now“ I did choose this after one user in http://www.fotocommunity.de/ where I have this picture http://www.fotocommunity.de/pc/pc/mypics/30258/display/726126 too, did write in his comment that this picture remembers him about scenes shown in this movie about the Vietnam war. As we can see from the comment of Rudy Subagyo here, that I appreciate a lot, rnit is obvious that also people here in FN, especially those who have seen that movie can very well understand the meaning of this title in connection to the shown photograph..........................rnTerima kasih banyak untuk komentar Anda.
19 tahun yang lalu
great photo..
20 tahun yang lalu
moment yang bagus
a very powerful image.. didnt exactly notice the head, x'cept for the horn at 1st sight.. a very suitable title too
First I was scare to see the photo, but after that..look at the eye of buffalo...he is enjoy on that basket.
Wow Helmut...this pict is very strong...greetings
I Really Like this picture, It's nice capture...your photos have a great story to be share
21 tahun yang lalu
wow helmut wow!!!!
luar biasa seperti lukisan...obyek dan judulnya benar-benar hebat...great.
Sekarang baru ingat lagi tentang filmnya, setelah melihat foto ini. NIce pic!!
Benar2 sebuah foto.... no complaint...
pertama saya lihat foto ini di website anda, this is one of the most great photos you have
berkarakter, bercerita , ber-isi
I hate this picture sooo much.. But I must admit it has a very very strong character. It is simply great.
langsung gagap.iya bener edan
Subjek yg sangat menarik. Grainy foto yg dimiliki membuat keindahan tersendiri. Ditunggu foto selanjutnya
ckckckkckkckc memang UEEDAANN !!!, anglenya OK Pak !
nice moment...
nice capture good composition nice BG,nice DOF.
Also, mir fehlen die Worte! Du machst absolut wunderbare Fotos! Ich bin ganz hin und weg!
love the pic a high class picture
.......am I the only one here who love the smell of burning Napalm in the morning.....? it has been a while since I watched that movie at Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. I don't even remember the names...but whenever I hear Wagner's Valkyrie, I remember the chopper scene.. I was there because... well it was free, although we had to sit on the grass, the movie was played on a projector, using the museum side wall as its screen (there were seven museums in Balboa Park) It was the second time I watched this movie, but that time, I understood why the US lost the war (I forgot all about it now..). I understood Marlon Brando's character's point of view (darn..that face still scares me) I cringed when the Cambodian(?) slaughtered the water buffalo. So bitter, so parallel, so full of symbolism... I don't like to remember the ending of that movie...I don't like it when the hero died.. This photo and the title bring me back to that park, years ago. That's why this is a great,strong photo...
The picture gave me goosebumps. You succeed in capturing the mood and the choice of title just enhance that eerie mood. I don't particularly like the strong graininess in the picture but that's just a matter of taste. Overall this picture leaves a very strong impression.
A Great Moment and thanks for sharing the picture and the explanation.
I really like your reasoning on how you captured the image and also the means in which you tried to improve the image. I think many FN members need to do the same, that way, the learning process can be enhanced for every different skill level :)