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Helmut Schadt (6706)
Tahun 1976 saya keliling asia beberapa bulan dan juga sampai ke Bali. Di Penelokan saya tinggal lama di losmen Lake View. Dimuka losmen ada pasar seminggu satu kali. Potret anak diambil disana, sekarang umurnya sudah lebih dari 35 tahun. kalau anda kenal dia silahkan salam dari saya kepada dia. :-)))...........................................rnP.S.: Concerning the question of Ferrij Lumoring :rnPlease excuse my poor knowledge of Indonesian language. The title means that this girl came to the market to buy mainly food stuff. The towel she will use as protection on her head when she carries home all the bought stuff in a basket balancing on her head. Most come from remote villages far away so they get a long walk what makes a strong body and good figure...... (also I changed the title a bit now)......rnkind regards and thanks for all comments, Helmut
21 tahun yang lalu
Ein sehr schönes photo ,voll mit karakter , natürliche pose ,und ein sehr spezialen expression!!!!!
very nice portrait, Helmut. ekspresinya ... am wondering what she was thinking, whether she was happy ..
wahnsinn... keren bgt nih... fotonya berbicara.... foto tua emang top bgt
wow ..... suka grainynya ....... ekspresi polosnya
photo tua yang cantik, potret kehidupan yang menarik