Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Marc Aviles (17202)
it is part of a bouquet(a dozen) of roses :)
19 tahun yang lalu
Warna dan lightingnya cantik DoFnya kurang dalam sedikit IMHO Salam
20 tahun yang lalu
Warnanya cakep, butir air bikin tambah hidup dan seger....I really like this pict.
imho: - great angle of the rose. - well-composed. - precise in exposure-setting: dof, sharp, and lighting are terrific ! - vivid colors.
21 tahun yang lalu
wow.. sharp, and beautiful, nice composition as well, how did it get wet anyway ? artificially wet, or natural one ? the last time I did, I poured a bit of water on top of it.. :) looked better...
good angle ...and very sharp, fresh
tajam sekali...those dews....!!
like BonJovi..bed of roses..nice pic..nice DOF..soft and peace..great job mate..
perfect, nothing to complain.... i like the lighting.
nice shot ,nice color and freshly taken from the garden,bro!
It's Cool.closed-up bagus sekali,komposisi back ground blur dan subject jelas lensa yang tepat.detil nampak jelas.
Wohoooo.... very good macro... sharp and very well done composition... It's beautiful, bro...
cantik, komposisinya bagus. imho airnya kebanyakan ..
jernih dan tajam... lighting oke... komposisi menarik... menurut saya embunnya terlalu berlebihan IMHO... tapi secara keseluruhan masih enak dinikmati
perfektoo embun nya bisa kelihatan detail ,dof yg bagus
Veeeery nice of macro photography! And also the lighting.
sempurna... pewarnaan yang pas.. pencahayaannya juga pas.
nice shot n beautiful composition!
looks fresh, but the water drop is a bit too much ?
so...... sharp & nice color like the angle but a bit too much water (IMO)
suka ma tejemnya obyek... airnya bikin gambar kerasa hidup, momentnya terekam dalam sekali... nice cakptured!! salam kenal
Impressive! A rose to wilt away most other roses in competition.
wuihhh saya suka bintik airnya... tajam baget..nicee...
Sharp. Beautiful. Fresh. Nice composition. If only the BG was plain... (matter of taste)
Rose of interest sangat tajam disertai keteduhannya. Nice DOF
wow keren sekali dof yang mantap tapi masih kurang sempurna,ujung mowar masih kabur dikit. kapan bisa foto seperti ini ya??