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Rick BK (10628)
Date Time Original: 2003:10:10 16:22:02rnISO Speed Ratings: 100rnrnTaken at the highest point in the East Coast of US ~ Picture was retouched on PS
20 tahun yang lalu
nice work retouch man!i look at like i look a picture on pc game.nice! keep think, and keep work on u'r minds. -:)
sharp n soft....
wow, I like the color and the way some parts were softened... it looks almost like a painting. love the composition too... great work!
O.. that's so clear, so cool and so GREAT !!
Cakep komposisinya... well done... nicely captured!!!
Detail nya bagus... Komposisi nya asik Warna langit nya.... umm... Great Nice shot!!
Great composisition... Tapi mungkin agak over di PS ya? Langitnya jadi agak "nyolot"... Kebetulan gue juga pernah punya pengalaman pribadi "nyolot" bersama PS :) Salam.
u got 3TU only for the composision!! but I also agree with Gerry, it has too much PS touch in it... so it looks a little bit unnatural... IMHO... but still, a great work!!!
21 tahun yang lalu
Hmm... i think you retouched the picture too much. It looks like a computer graphic rendered. Nice though...
tadinya kita kira ini kuburan.... ternyata katu'..... fotonya tajam....
semuanya tajam, semuanya jelas, sayang tak berjiwa , cuma papan nama.
Salibnya dan keterangannya di salib itu membuat foto sarat cerita...suasananya....
cantik dan tajam nih...
olah digital yang manis
toub bgt langitnya,sangat tajam......salam
Haunting mood, i like it, Rick.
foto yg bagus dgn efek luar biasa...selamat deh buat mas
superb..... salutt....
koq warnanya bisa alus gitu yah? fotonya tajam pula...situasinya unik yah...kayak jaman dulu gitu...
komposisi dan warna yang menarik, cuma agak rame aja yaah.. salam
beautiful compose ... but too much NI ..... loosing the details ..... imho
awannya kok agak blur ya... btw komposisi sangat indah..sangat layak dapat 3TU
perfect..... great finishing!!
Nice & Clear photo.... warna dan obyek sangat menarik..