Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Marc Aviles (17202)
Use PS to combined my three shots into 1 picture. The Middle subject is the main picture here. Hope you like it. thanks a lot.
20 tahun yang lalu
nice, aku pikir tiga motor beneran
What could be better???
Hebat banget ya.. komposisi yg sangat memukau. You are a really 100% pure photographer. I like your works
21 tahun yang lalu
one is awesome, two is outstanding, three is unbelievable.
Nice & Sharp
Good idea, kombinasi foto yang bagus mas, momentnya tersirat!
great shot and nice PS....
great shoot!! great moment!! 5 TU 4 u
wow...hebat bener bisa nangkep moment sebagus ini...how to make it? great work..
woow..! more dramatic with PS....ha!
good works with PS .... i also think that you combine a continous shots .... perfect ..... great catch of action .....
wow, good works, anda cekatan sekali.
wouw... keren sekalee...
Great shot
pergerakan obyek yg terekam jelas adalah kelebihannya, dan mampu memaksimalkan penggabungan obyeknya.
wow great job... great captured and great shot....
tajam, great shot, timingnya perfect!
nice shot, nice PS
ketangkasan dan pengaturan yg bagus,..
Great capured and nice job in PS man
Marc, nice image and well composed. Regards.
ck ck ck ...
Great, One thumb for One bike equal to 3Thumbs, Excellent timing,....
Nice work great shot even without PS work
super...hebat banget editannya.. momenttnya keren..tajem lagi pantas dapet 3TU