Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Susanti D (18385)
oleh2 dari jalan2 ke Huang Shan - China :)
21 tahun yang lalu
kaya lukisan banget sus, mantap abis
wow, males komentar.
Great shot! I really like the compressed view of the mountains & the feeling of serenity that comes from the monochromatic tone in this photo. I'm probably nitpicking, but there is a minor thing that I feel would make this a better photo if it's fixed: the horizon at the top is a little bit tilted. It's something that can be fixed easily in Photoshop though.
Just wonderful!
indah sekali
nice shot...
saya suka dengan layer2nya.... gradasi warnanya benar2 memikat mata, salam.
gunungnya berbayang-bayang.. wow!!
Great Shot! itu shot nya bulan brapa? kabut nya pas banget Warna birunya lengkap Salam
cantik berlapis-lapis.. seperti lukisan
wow, landscape gunung-gunungnya indah bgt, iri dapet angle kayak gini, well done
Amazing.....How grear Thou art....
Huaaahhhh, cool ! Tenang dan sunyi sekali, kabut di setiap bukit menambah kesan misterius. Cakep, Mbak.
wwooooowww..... very lovely pic !! layersnya keren abis
cantik banget lapis2 alamnya selamat deh kalau besok jadi FPE cantik suzee, besok uplaod lagi ya
Indah sekali pemandangannya. suka dengan layers pegunungannya. great shot.
Hey, if I give you 3 jempols that means you owe an explanation on how got those neat images on 300D. What setting do you use? (parameter, white balance, JPG/RAW) PS: Did you make my wife achieve orgasm??? :) See Meutia above.
Kayaknya motonya sambil kedinginan yah, abis tinggi tempatnya. However this is a great shot. Salut
gradasi warnanya ok sekali. it's biutipul euy..!
do we have a 4TU? :)
Sumpah keren.. orgasmic abis.. ambil fotonya dari pesawat?
cantik sekali ini suasananya sore apa pagi mbak..
Wow dimensi pegunungannya amat terasa di foto ini lho.