Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Eddy Ng (15883)
tidak ada. One of my spare images that I found in the CF card just today. Color desaturated, bottom cropped off, unsharp mask and contrast up a little bit
21 tahun yang lalu
all i can say it's perfect
Wah keren.. waktu ngambil kejatuhan keringatnya ga pak? ;)
well captured and well composed
Anglenya OK..siluetnya apik...momentnya jg tepat
kick boxing eh... excellent captured!
Well composed. Uncommon way dealing with silhouette.
nice BW
pilihan siluet adalah tepat dan anglenya bagus...
Saya suka anglenya ..
ouchhh ... nice siluet .... the bg a little bit crowded .... imho
Nice, dua pot bunga itu kayaknya ngganggu (imho)
Take this... and that... and this... Perfect Pic...
practice makes perfect....
Perfect Silhouette Ed!!
What a silhouette.
Again..: I just luv it!
nice.....untuk essay foto ? pokoke top
siluetnya ok....nice bw
WOW! ... Keren pak!
keren Pa'
This foto not normaly silouete. I like the angle and Good capture moment.