Full Frame or Not Full Frame... That is the Question!

Oleh:  FNU Brawijaya (4664)    19 tahun yang lalu


FYI, dari Popular Photography edisi Juni 2005. Saya ambil 2 paragraf terakhir saja. Kalau nggak malas, nanti saya scan sisanya (Update, sudah saya lengkapi). Kesimpulan.... nggak perlu buru-buru naikin pixel, kita tunggu sampai teknologi mampu membuat kamera 25MP dengan harga Rp 10 juta...:D Strategi Nikon memang mooy.... marketingnya aja kurang. Setelah dipikir-pikir, bener juga mereka nggak mengeluarkan D200, nanti mengkanibal D70s.


Resolution Roulette

When does an 8.2MP SLR rival the image quality of a 16.6MP SLR?

ONE OF THE BIGGEST complaints I hear about digital SLRs involves their 35mm behavior. After all, most sub $3,000 DSLRs use CCD or CMOS image sensors that are smaller than a 35mrn film frame. This results in a narrower field of view (FOV) for a given focal-length lens on a DSLR than on a 35mm film SLR. We call this the 35mm ranges from 1.3X to 2X, depending on the brand and model of the SLR. It's set for the life of the camera. But is the 35mm les factor a negative or a positive? It depends on how you look at it.

If you’ve switched from a film SLR to a DSLR, you can't he happy that your 24 or 28mm f/2.8 lenses no longer capture a wide-angle FOV on DSLRs with a 1.5X to 1.7X lens factor. Instead, you’ve now got the equivalent of a 36- to 48mm lens.

To get back to a true wide-angle FOV, you'll have to buy a 16-18mm ultrawide lens— an expensive proposition. But if you’re new to SLRs, the 35mm lens factor on a DSLR could strike you as a positive, or it may not concern you at all. Why? The second lens that most new photographers buy is a telephone zoom, not a wide-angle. That's because a telephoto zoom, such as a 70-200mm, lets you get closer to your subjects without intruding; choose a more flattering focal length for portraits; or crop out distracting background elements without repositioning the camera. With this in mind, a DSLR’s 35mm lens factor improves your telephoto lens by giving you the narrower field of view of a more powerful and expensive lens- without adding weight, (For example, a l00-300mm f/3.5-4.5 lens on a DSLR with a 1.5X 35mm lens factor now captures the same field of view as a much heavier and more expensive 130-400mm f/3.5-4.5 lens on a 35mm film SLR.)

Then there's a surprise benefit. Under some circumstances, a DSLR with a 35mm lens factor can give you over an image quality advantage over an expensive, full-frame DSLR that has twice as many pixels. This is true because images taken with a full-frame frame sensor, such as those on the Canon EOS-IDs Mark II, Kodak DCS Pro SLR/n and SLR/c, or by a 35mm film camera, must be cropped to get the same FOV as the DSLR with a factor.

Cropping an image lowers the number of megapixels and affects its maximum photo-quality print size (based on our 200 ppi rule of thumb). For example, an image from Canon's 16.6MF EOS-IDs Mark II ($8.000) that is cropped to get the same FOV as Canon's —8.2MP EOS 20D ($1370, 1.6X 35mm lens factor) will only contain 6.5MP (3120x2080 pixels) in the cropped area. That's just slightly more pixel information than you'll get from a photo taken with Canon's 6.3MP EOS Digital Rebel, but notably less than photos from the 8.2MP EOS 20D. If you enlarged all images to 13x19 inches, the print from the EOS 20D would show more detail than a print from the EOS-IDs Mark II.

It would actually take a full-frame sensor with 21MP to match the resolution of the EOS 200 after cropping, assuming both sensors were of similar quality and pixel design, I arrived at this figure by using the following formula to estimate the Full-Frame Equivalent (FFE) of any DSLR with a 35mm lens factor:

Full-Frame Equivalent = (lens factor x horizontal pixel count) x (lens factor x vertical pixel count)

In most cases, the horizontal and vertical pixel counts are taken from the largest uninterpolated file size created by the DSLR. However, the formula doesn't work with some Fuji-film Super CCD SLRs (including the new FinePix S3Pro) and Foveon X3-equipped Sigma DSLRs. For these, I used pixel counts from normal CCDs that deliver similar resolution scores. Essentially this formula expands the megapixel density found in a smaller-than-film sensor to the size of a full frame sensor. I've used it to estimate the FFE for several popular DSLRs (and a variety of 35mm lens factors) in the accompanying chart.

For anyone shooting with a DSLR that has a 35mm lens factor, the FFE gives you an idea of the advantage you have when it comes to shooting with a telephoto lens. When are you better off with a full-frame sensor in a DSLR? It depends. If the majority your shooting involves the use of wide-angle or ultrawide-angle lenses, then a full frame DSLR keeps the lens status quo and gives you superb image quality. Currently, full frame SLR bodies with with 11MP - 16.6MP sensors cost $4,000-$8,000. That's a bit much if wide angle shooting isn't your priority. Most photographers (and even some pros) might be better off with an affordable 6MP-8MP SLR costing from $700-$2,300, even saddled with 1.5X-2X 35mm lens factor. With your savings, you could buy a great telezoom lens, or a decent superwide angle lens like Canon's EF 16-35mm f/2.8L USM ($1,400) or Nikon's 12-24mm f/4G ED-IF DX ($940) to cover most wide-angle moments.

Re: Full Frame or Not Full Frame... That is the Question!

Oleh:  FNU Brawijaya (4664)    19 tahun yang lalu


Plus or Minus? A DSLR 35mm lens factor is a pain for wide-angle shooters, but a blessing for sports and nature shooters trying to get closer to the action. The first image, taken at 300mm using the 16.6MP Canon EOS-1Ds Mark II, had to be cropped (red box) to get the same composition as the photo taken at 300mm with the 8.2MP EOS 20D. As a result, the EOS 20D photo is slightly sharper than the EOS-1Ds Mark II photo.

Re: Full Frame or Not Full Frame... That is the Question!

Oleh:  FNU Brawijaya (4664)    19 tahun yang lalu


The second image... dari 20D

Re: Full Frame or Not Full Frame... That is the Question!

Oleh:  D. Setiadi (81319)    19 tahun yang lalu


Kalau D200 dengan 8 atau 10 Mp, D2X gak laku dong ah....;))
Ada yang tau gak alasan Nikon gak membuat ISO 100?

Btw..." That's the Question " itu kan salah satu Quiz kesukaan saya di TV...:P

Re: Full Frame or Not Full Frame... That is the Question!

Oleh:  Ngakan KEBO Maesa (8755)    19 tahun yang lalu


Justru lemotnya pemasaran NIKON menguntungkan konsumen dengan kantung lemah seperti saya....

jadi gak usah takut barangnya discontinyu dengan cepat !!!


Re: Full Frame or Not Full Frame... That is the Question!

Oleh:  Igor F Firdauzi (185236)    19 tahun yang lalu


saya suka gambar yang pertama, sebab wide
gunungnya kelihatan, kereta api, ranting di kiri bawah, cakep deh....

Re: Full Frame or Not Full Frame... That is the Question!

Oleh:  FNU Brawijaya (4664)    19 tahun yang lalu


Mas Igor: saya suka gambar yang pertama, sebab wide
Mudah mas.... di-zoom out aja lensanya...:)

Ada yang tau gak alasan Nikon gak membuat ISO 100?

Pak guru!! Saya tahu.... saya tahu.... Ah, enggak ah.....

Re: Full Frame or Not Full Frame... That is the Question!

Oleh: Sanny N H (514)    19 tahun yang lalu


Saya tahu.... saya tahu.... (sambil ngacung)
1. Noise level iso 100 dan iso 200 tidak beda jauh, jadi udah aja dibuang iso 100nya daripada nambah2in kerjaan programmernya.
2. Kalau toh tetep ngbet dengan iso 100 belilah D2 series.
Soal Full Frame vs Non FF (D2X case) sama2 susah cari lensanya.

Re: Full Frame or Not Full Frame... That is the Question!

Oleh:  Ahmad Syafiq, Syafiq (39799)    19 tahun yang lalu


Good reading Kak FNU, tetap setia deh sama D70 :x

Re: Full Frame or Not Full Frame... That is the Question!

Oleh: Sanny N H (514)    19 tahun yang lalu

Re: Full Frame or Not Full Frame... That is the Question!

Oleh:  Andreas Darmosaputro (18715)    19 tahun yang lalu


FNU: seperti pepatah mengatakan: "Your own baby is never ugly..."

You're in the 3rd stage: DENIAL

Re: Full Frame or Not Full Frame... That is the Question!

Oleh:  Steven Jodistiro (12857)    19 tahun yang lalu


hahaha, seep banget deh mas Andreas.
i'd still go with full frame though :) (kl ada duit)..
bigger sensor = lesser noise n broader view through viewfinder. Kesimpulannya 1 lagi, why bother for cropping to detail..zoom in or get a longer prime :)
Lagi kalo udah punya 1DS mk2, 400mm x 1.4TC masa takut beli sih (mau crop tinggal pasang TC or vice versa)

Re: Full Frame or Not Full Frame... That is the Question!

Oleh:  I Gede Putu Prawita Mb (17285)    19 tahun yang lalu


Michael J. Mc Namara, PopPhoto June Edition 2005.
That's the credit for that article.

Re: Full Frame or Not Full Frame... That is the Question!

Oleh:  Heru Tjandranata (11140)    19 tahun yang lalu


Andreas =D> ^:)^

Re: Full Frame or Not Full Frame... That is the Question!

Oleh:  Ngakan KEBO Maesa (8755)    19 tahun yang lalu


Buat Bung Andreas: Denial adalah fase pertama ketika setiap manusia jatuh cinta loh...


Re: Full Frame or Not Full Frame... That is the Question!

Oleh:  Heru Tjandranata (11140)    19 tahun yang lalu


Yak, kayak om Steven bilang, aku wide angle shooter. Tetep pengen full frame.

Re: Full Frame or Not Full Frame... That is the Question!

Oleh:  FNU Brawijaya (4664)    19 tahun yang lalu


Padahal ini nggak ada hubungan dengan merk lho.... Lha kan yg dibandingin Canon lawan Canon.... kok sudah pada berkotek. Kalau saya posting thread ini di forum Nikon, karena saya rasa juga berguna untuk para Nikonians.

Soal Andreas, kayaknya dia jatuh cinta sama saya.... lha stalking saya terus tuh. Lihat aja di daftar tanggapannya di Forum...:))

Steven: Ganti dan pasang TC sekali seperti mengganti lensa dua kali.... Bikin frustasi. Kalau saya pakai Canon, saya pilih pakai 20D dengan 400mm tanpa TC. Dengan Mk2, selain drop quality (spt dibilang McNamara) juga drop image quality oleh TC, dan drop dari ketajaman (terangnya) view finder. Jadi skenario anda kurang baik dari segi kepraktisan dan kualitas gambar.

Sekali lagi thread ini bukan soal merk, atau soal preferensi merk saya. Doakan saya cepet kerja dan banyak uang ya.... Di saat itu saya akan beli Canon full frame untuk kondangan. Kalau hunting burung atau moto bola, saya akan beli Olympus yg punya 2x lens factor dengan 400mm (ada nggak?). Dan tentu Nikon untuk pajangan di rumah dan menfoto di luar 2 bidang di atas. Itu kalau saya kaya tentunya.... Setelah itu nanti saya lamar Andreas deh.....:))

Re: Full Frame or Not Full Frame... That is the Question!

Oleh:  Dian Agung Nugroho (23376)    19 tahun yang lalu


Maaf, OOT Mas Brawijaya
Kemaren saya juga beli majalah Popular Photography edisi Juni 2005 tsb.
Yg bikin saya salut .... iklan Canon yg ada gambar atlet pake bendera US, dan dikerubutin lensa putih itu lho.....iklan yg mooy banget deh =D>
Sedangkan iklannya Nikon di cover belakang, menurut saya kurang greget....cuman tulisan "GAME OVER, The Nikon D2x is here" dan gambar D2x yg kinclong2 gede sekali :(

Re: Full Frame or Not Full Frame... That is the Question!

Oleh:  Heru Lesmana Syafei,togol (3184)    19 tahun yang lalu


bingung nih

Re: Full Frame or Not Full Frame... That is the Question!

Oleh:  D. Setiadi (81319)    19 tahun yang lalu


Saya suka group Ugly Kid Joe.....:|

Jaya : Andreas itu fan 10D ama Tamron setia loh....;))

Re: Full Frame or Not Full Frame... That is the Question!

Oleh:  Yadi Yasin (116383)    19 tahun yang lalu


Saya gimanapun juga prefer full frame...
Seperti juga saya prefer medium format atau large format.. apalagi medium format digital .... tapi nggak punya duit ;((
Semua kembali ke kebutuhan dan duit nya ...

Bukannya sudah sifat manusia (modern) untuk always prefer the BEST... itu EGO.. BIG BOYS ALWAYS WANT THE BEST katanya.. katanya lho ;)
Kita selalu mendambakan kesempurnaan, bukan... kalau tidak skrg mungkin kita masih hidup spt di jaman pra-sejarah :)

Tanyakan pada diri anda sendiri:
- Pilih Ferrari/Lambo atau merek german
- Pilih RollRoyce/Maybach atau merek jepang/korea
- Pilih Private Jet atau naik kelas economy
- Pilih Ultra Luxury 90 feet Yacth atau naik KM
- Pilih (kalau bisa) ISO 100 atau (kenapa mesti hanya) 200 ;)
- dan terakhir .... pilih camera FULL Frame atau merek lain .. ehh maksudnya kamera bukan full frame :D

Quote of the day: "Don't let lame excuses kill your dreams" ;))

Re: Full Frame or Not Full Frame... That is the Question!

Oleh:  Ahmad Syafiq, Syafiq (39799)    19 tahun yang lalu


Tetap cinta sama d70 :x
Kak FNU, berkotek? :))

Re: Full Frame or Not Full Frame... That is the Question!

Oleh:  D. Setiadi (81319)    19 tahun yang lalu


Yadi....Quotenya campuran Betawi- Inggris ya? ;))

lame= lama :|

Re: Full Frame or Not Full Frame... That is the Question!

Oleh:  Briano Kawenang (7277)    19 tahun yang lalu


oh bener juga yah....
mas FNU,majalah itu yg gambar depannya D2x kan?aku juga dah baca...
lumayan juga D2x,25 megapixel full frame,ngalahin 1Ds MkII dong:D:D:D:D
bisa 2x crop factor lagi.....:D:D:D

Re: Full Frame or Not Full Frame... That is the Question!

Oleh:  Ahmad Syafiq, Syafiq (39799)    19 tahun yang lalu


Dimas, awas lo ada yang mengaum (bukan berkotek lagi) hahaha...
eh tapi ini kan di rumah sendiri ya...

Re: Full Frame or Not Full Frame... That is the Question!

Oleh:  Briano Kawenang (7277)    19 tahun yang lalu


iya dong,ini rumah sendiri,hehehehehe......