Oleh: Henry Riady (2463) 20 tahun yang lalu
Last thrusday, tgl 24 june, saya pergi day trip ke krakatau bersama Mark II saya...For the whole hike up the mountain and down, I had not a single problem with the Mark II, where as the 300V didnt even turn on when i was half way up the mountain...The amount of dust in the air was so much that before i took a picture, i had to clean the filter first ..Tripod saya saja sudah rusak abis balik dari krakatau...Good thing i didnt have to clean it because some nice photografer cleaned it for me and it took him alot of time to do so..The MArk II is just amazing.. I didnt have even one problem..Bettry life was still 3/4 after a whole day trip to carita and back where i didnt turn the camera off to test the battery life.. all the exposures were nice and perfect..MArk II bener2 WEATHER PROFF..iso 50 is extremely clean and iso 1600 is still very, very clean even compared to the 10D..pictures belom semua di edit dan blom ada yang diupload..maybe in the next few days..If Ur someone interested to get the Mark II, ga salah degh beli Mark II...hehehe...:D if thre is any question let me know...be glad to answer it for you..Thanks for reading...
Oleh: I Gede Putu Prawita Mb (17285) 20 tahun yang lalu
Coba 1-series nya filem SLR nya aja dulu kang Iing ... EOS-1v ... hehe .. and you'll never look back to another ....
Pak Fajar...LEt me tell U this...Why do u want to use speeds until 16.000? Just lower the iso (oh yeah there is iso 50 btw) and make it apeture 8.0 (better quality)...Kalo pake sync flash 1/500 per detik, it should be enough to not use a flash..kalo berlawanan matahari, pake fill in...Pak..Canon aint DUMB...They think before they make something and learn from experience...:D The next picture taken at iso 800, f/8 at 1/2500 sec at 200mm..
Oleh: Nicholas Looho (921) 20 tahun yang lalu
TOP ABIS HEN. Nys pic, hope u make the best of the camera! Hen bikin forum tentang 1ds dong, full sensor nya gt. C'mon dont say u WONT need 1/500 sync flash. It could help when ur using rear curtain or smthn like dat.
btw nice cam dude! Kapan ya gw bisa dapet d2x.. hmmm.
Oleh: M.N. Kartadinata, Nugi (2259) 20 tahun yang lalu
Henry, could you post 100% crops at ISO3200 (under the shade would be better), just curious how much cleaner the images from the MKII compared to that of the 10D, thanks. BTW nice pics dude.
Oleh: iing Gunawan, sidoel (27236) 20 tahun yang lalu
Hen, bener kata nugi kalo bisa di crop donk 100 % pake resolusi 8 mega, jadi bisa liat noisenya kaya gimana di iso 3200. sekalian iso 1600 kalo bisa ye
Oleh: Paulus Nugroho R (15252) 20 tahun yang lalu
ing..udah kelar acara belah durennye ??...didokumentasikan ga om ?
OH ok U guys..heres a 200% crop of the second picture at iso 3200...
This is a 100% crop of the first picture...also at iso 3200...
This is a 250% crop of the bird...This picture was taken at iso 800...Thanks..hope these infos give u some indication how AWSOME the Mark II is...!!!
Oleh: Sandry Daryanto (2098) 20 tahun yang lalu
t.o.p b.g.t gile jadi pengen punya!!!! tp Mahal bgt yeh!!
Kalo ini top banget, blom liat 1Ds..bisa ngiler...hehehehe....:D
Thanks Henry, looks pretty darn good to me !
Oleh: ferry winata (509) 20 tahun yang lalu
salam kenal mas henry jujur saja saya orang baru dalam bidang fotografy dan saya tertarik dengan kamera MARK II. tapi saya tidak tau apa itu MARK II?? saya harap mas mao ngejelasin. terima kasih
Oleh: M. Agus Syahrizal (360) 20 tahun yang lalu
MARK II bukannya salah satu mobil keluaran toyota taon 80an ? :p~