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Apif M. Hajji (33644)
Why should I escort thisrnTo its secret phenomrnClimbing up its characterrn(otherwise) I keep falling downrnAs it crawls around the gravityrnThe time freezes over till it fallsrnTake me over lead me through the fire of emotionrnWaiting for this, drop by droprnOpening my intuition with its rhythm of drops
21 tahun yang lalu
tajam kerannya dicrop aja...imho
brilliant..!! maha sempurna Allah yg menciptakan gravitasi sedemikian indah...keren abis pak
Wow... dahsyat masss
keren bgt mas... ini air atau minyak atau apa?..
mantabb kak...very sharp...nice work...:D
duh mo omong apa lagi... cakepnya minta ampun gini..nyaris sempurna...suka ama pantulan "ting" di ujung air...indah.. salam :)
d' king of water has spoken...it is now time for the truth..!! hhhmmmm.....
Keren2.... eksperimen trus...
great shot..
Cantik... Momentnya Pas. Salam
very nice.
terekam dengan sempurna....nice shot
Tajam ... moment yang pas ...
bagus sekaliiii
Tajam sekali ..
G R E A T btw nice poem
Keren, komposisinya mantap..
Tajam jam jam jam
Keren bang Hajji ... TOB
tajam sekali...
just GREAT!!
nice shoot....bang
wooy cool man ...!!!