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Kristupa W Saragih (176444)
The culture of stilt fishing in Galle District, Southern Province, Sri Lanka appeared sometime around 70 years ago. During WW II, there's shortage of food that made some locals to find smart way to catch fish. They started by using wreckage of small-size ships and downed aircraft before they found easiest way to use stilts. They don't make much money by catching fish, while more by being hired by tourists to be posed on the poles. Crossing Bridges 12 Sri Lanka 2015.
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9 tahun yang lalu
kebudayaan yg unik great capture
moment ngena banget mas Kris pengen bisa kesana
Hasil fotonya mantab, momennya keren, eksekusinya tak diragukan lagi...joooos ... selamat FPE, salam persaudaraan :D
Cara unik memancing boss, moment nya pas
momen unik yg tercapture dengan apik.
keunikan yg tdk bisa ditemui di tanah air.., tercapture dgn apik.., kompo, tonal , pencahayaan pas mantaaabs..., salam hangat jabat erat.klik.
Amazing Moment
Asyik momentnya. Unik
cakep photonya om.... momentnya unik..... salam....
Keren dan Unik Om