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Mulia AR (126967)
Dear all, presented this one with 4 fill in using all with beautydisc, Hopefully this photo could be a plesant one for all enjoying and reviewing. Please feel free to enjoying & commenting many more photos in gallery of mine here. Objective idea and comments for improving our all skill photography always welcome. Thankyou all, keep EXPLORE n keep UPLOAD!
11 tahun yang lalu
Keren abis toningnya!!!
Lightingnya keren, mukanya gahar, mantab. Salam =)
terkonsep baik.. portrait kompo, tone, lighting, bg, oldig, model, wardrobe, semua klop & bagus.. salam..
12 tahun yang lalu
congrats FPEnya brader....
Sedap banget tone-nya ..nice lighting ...
lightingnya ok
Oww... .
pose danlightongnya kerenn
Very nice model shoot! Selamat FPE bung. Fav. Salam hangat
cantik , seksi .. lighting nya mantap
asik banget tone nya....salam
lighting nya ok
Pose dan ekspresi jempolan. Tone dan lighting sedap. Mantap...!
Nice Shoot Om Mulyana ...
tone dan modelnya menarik, ekspresi moodnya cakep.
asik ekspresi nya..tone nya sedeepp.. salam
nice shoot..tonalnya cakep om
nice shot,nice fashion photo,like this.
nice shoot...nice modelling..nice lighting
tonalnya siip, pose asik, salam..
top markotop kompo dan eksekusinya