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Julintari Indriyani (15319)
... salah satu ciri negara komunis adalah banyaknya dibuat patung2 pemimpin mereka ...(ada yang menulis begini : Lenin is by many Russians today considered to be the mind behind a good communism that would have brought prosperity to the former Soviet Union had he been around longer. Stalin is by many Russians considered to be the mad dictator that damaged the possibilities for the Soviet Union during his 3 decades of rule. Because of this, you find many Lenin monuments around Russia, but not many of Stalin). Itu adalah salah satu patung Lenin, dengan latar belakang gedung khas bangunan negara komunis... Dijepret dari bis yang berjalan ....trims buat masukannya.
12 tahun yang lalu
nice capture
view yg indah terkomposisi dgn apik
wauuuwwwwwwwww.......keren sekali bidikan ini.. saint-petersburg....?? kangen pengen kesana lagi xixixixixii
nice pict.....