Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Zulvianes Budiman (1611)
Actually, I almost delete this picture because I couldn't find the best way to edit it because the lighting was so unadequate at the time (almost night time). But I somewhat thought that the white is still striking no matter how bad the results in editing, so I decided to just converted it to BW. Voila!
11 tahun yang lalu
Unik konsepnya..salam.
simpel dan bermakna
idenya menarik..
cakep isolasinya..
nice konsep Om... simpel dan sederhana... ketajaman objeknya masih kurang... #imho.. Salam Foto
nice simple
konsepnya cakep
BWnya sedap...nice still life
12 tahun yang lalu
cakeppp :D simpel! haha
nice pic...IMHO, cuma agak miss focus aja, semoga berkenan...keep jepret
bunga ADIDAS! nice shoot... keep explore
Asik fotonya om :)
nice shoot, salam :)
cakep konsepnya
simpel, isolasinya cakep
simple... asik....