Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Juni John (271)
See this little girl? She's sleeping right on the side of the Bus-Lane with her newspaper uniform and a stack of newspapers that used as her pillow. She could be too tired and felt in sleep and didn't notice that's already morning and it's time for her to sell the newspapers. Anyway, appreciate that she is still trying to sell newspapers for some income rather than to be a beggar. I took this photo some time ago in an early morning while driving to office. So... how Grateful and how Thankful We Are that we've been given a good food to eat, a good home to live, a good motorbike/car to drive, a good family to share, a good money to spend. Be Grateful… and be Thankful. Cheers. :)
13 tahun yang lalu
terlalu luas framenya...but nice HI
hidup memang susah
Di zoom lg lbh jos kayanya... Kl berkenan mampir di galery saya