Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Phone Nuryadin (1030)
We visited Ancol beach just for having dinner and relaxing our mind, as the Southern Jakarta’s traffic was jammed due to heavy rain. There was no expectation to get good photos because of a heavy clouds in the northern Jakarta. While my friends enjoying their dinner at le bridge restaurant, i looked around with 60D on my hand. Finally I found a boater beached this full of lights boat, which could be interesting point of my photo
12 tahun yang lalu
komposisinya keren..refleksinya dapat..nice NS.
tajam abies..salam
13 tahun yang lalu
mantaps bin keren
Nice jepret .. salam mampir ..
Ingin saya rubuhkan tiang layarnya agar lebih keren, hehe,, tapi ini foto yang bagus,, salam...
cantik sekali fotonya, warna-warninya mantab..... salam hangat
manteb kompo n tonenya bro...
compo tone, angle & reflexi mantap.....
nice sunset...viewnya asik...salam
nice nightshot
nice shoooot.. salam kenal
Nice picture..... Salam jepret...
night shoot yg tajam. kompo asik. salam dari medan.
nice shoot
Nice Night Shootnya
nice semuanya...
komposisinya bagus, tone-nya juga dapat