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Evan Pratama Ludirdja (24432)
How do we see others who are living behind this "lovely" world ??nHave you ever seen what's behind the beautiful curtain ??nnBe brave and be prepared to love,nBecause there are others who needs our share ...nnISO Speed Ratings: 320
13 tahun yang lalu
Salam EPL aja :)
HI yang artistik.... framing & garis2 yang aku suka banget... nice pict mas EPL
reality .................................................. .. salam
great capture ... salam
momennya pas banget
nice moment HI.....sipp
Duh...keren sekali moment & BWnya mas Evan...Great Shoot
sangat bercerita.
Foto HI yang bercerita.., nice shot..., salam dari Zoetermeer
momennya dapet banget nihhh....perfect lining !!!
my God i love this, GOOD JOB, IMHO salam JOOOZzzz!!
Greqt street photography.. Meaningful human interest photo.. Job welldone..
Cakep Shoot nya om..kompo nya pas..Nice Share..Salam
humanis sekali, sangat jeli dalam melihat, mas............... salam #FNMariaGulana