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Marrysa Tunjung Sari (25969)
Music is the thousandth of a millisecond between one note and another; how you get from one to the other-that’s where the music is.nnShe’s not just beautiful, but she’s friendly, beautiful and funny. A violinist from Russia, watch her play at Hotel Mulia Lounge.nnnDate Time Original: 2011:04:21 11:14:18nISO Speed Ratings: 1000
13 tahun yang lalu
Perpaduan fg Dan bg yang sempurna. Nice art
bw dgn, konsep & lighting yg cantik..., salam hangat jabat erat.klik.
nice bw.....
classic touch...kontrasnya bagus mbak sasha...
Suka Konsepnya...like BWnya
konsep bagus...kompo dan lighting ok
Konsep dan eksekusinya keren... light, pose dan BW nya cakep... Salam K'jazz
wow.. artistik!!!