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Paulus Alexander Gunawan (1877)
Date Time Original: 2011:03:27 06:21:05rnISO Speed Ratings: 100
13 tahun yang lalu
mantabs komponya
nice LS picture..
Kilauan Sunrisenya luarbiasa! Mantap-mantap nih Landscape photonya.
Asik tenaaannn...
you should have aimed for before sunrise time.. slow speed or not depends if you want to use ND or not.. then you would get the lighthouse and surrounding area brighter and at the same time the yellow/red glow still can be captured.. this sun just rise brought darkness to surrounding coz you set metering to the sun.
Baru saja bergabung, namun fotonya sudah luar biasa. Panoramanya wuiihh... Ajiib abiss!! Suka dengan mataharinya saat akan terbenam penempatan POI yang pass!!
waowww mantap sunset nya gan..... coba kalo di buat agak siluet.... hehe.. semoga berkenan salam......^^
nice wide,tapi sayang terlihat agak gelap ..