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Ronny Adolf Buol (4536)
Solarisation is a phenomenon in photography in which the image recorded on a negative or on a photographic print is wholly or partially reversed in tone.rnDark areas appear light or light areas appear dark. The term is synonymous with the Sabattier Effect when referring to negatives, but is technically incorrect when used to refer to prints [citation needed].rnMechanism (short): Due to halogen ions released within the halide grain by exposure diffusing to the grain surface in amounts sufficient to destroy the latent image.rnrnRetocuh with PS
Fotografer sedang dalam suspend/verifikasi identitas/verifikasi e-mail. Foto tidak bisa dikomentari
14 tahun yang lalu
apik olahan bwnya,...salam
nice view, nice konsep om...komponya asik salam
cakep om :D
nice LS dlam sapuan tonal BW...keren kompo n anglenya.....mantafff olahannya bro,siip
nice keren... salam
kerenn..seperti lukisan..salam ^^,
sepi yang menawan...salam
beugghhhhhh,,,,,,speecless..mantap bro..motion blurnya mantapp..salam
nice pictnya.. perpaduan yg menarik.. salam
keren om oldignya...salam
beautiful, instant fav.........
wuih....indah dan keren sekali.....salam