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fhayz ibnu (15009)
Misguided ghostsnTravelling endlesslynThe ones we trusted the mostnPushed us far awaynAnd there's no one roadnWe should not be the samenBut i'm just a ghostnAnd still they echo me..nn**Paramore - Misguided Ghosts
14 tahun yang lalu
oleh2 dari jogja k???...nice BW kaka bos
sip,...........pagi,....salam kul
konsep yg mantep.. agak closed dikit mantep mungkin.. :D
misguided angel, rather than ghost... awesome!, salam underwater mas
nice concept
g membosankan....angle na mantap bro....jeli liat light...pas dg bw nya...
keren konsepnya ^_^
nice BW picture...
mantep bgt dah..judul keren,foto keren,eksekusi mantap jaya
wuiiis mantap mas.. teknis nya tingkat tinggi.. salam kenal
konsep dan eksekusi yang mantab...nice BW