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Dia Gloria Marty Sasia (15851)
CONTEMPLATIONnnI'm alone,nSitting for a long time in the darknIn the midst of a candlelight'snI'am in paradisenFar from itnBut it feels half of itnI clear my mindnShut my eyesnRelease my sorenessnThe sound of piano balance my emotionsnI invoke the serenitynI feel that each breath leaves me to infinitynThat is all I yearn for the momentnInfant joynIt's only fifteen minutes oldnBut it's one luxury I'll always be able to afford.nnnMarrysa Tunjung Sari (Fruits:2004)
14 tahun yang lalu
i see two people in love...
like an aurora
indah sekali...........
pake lensa pastel ya?
sip feelnya, ok follownya,..... I feel that each breath leaves me to infinity .. apik nonalnya,....salam
great abstrak..warna2 yg mengalir...salam
butuh waktu lamaaaaaaaaaaa bgt, menerjemahkannya,.... saya buat interpretasi saya sendiri.... biru dan ijo nya, water and nature,.. tempat pijak kita.. kontemplasi diri, eksistensi, reason, alasan hidup
wah, bikin speechless
i will .... kayak kenal sama pengarang fruit ... :p