Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Bradley James,brad (15417)
Ivan and Lina...rnrnthey're one of my first friend i got at the beginning of my journey in sydney...rnrnthey love each other..and i believe now they're meant to be together...rnrnthey got married couple months ago...can't lie, i've shed some tears when i saw them finally had a ring on each other hand...rnrnmaybe some of you wondering about my title for this photo..well, i've been around with them for quite a time, i know all the up and down on their relationship.....i won't explain it in details here...but their struggle quite alot..rnrnthis photo is very meaningful for me...knowing the person i'd photographed is now married, now building their own little family...rnrna month before the wedding, i've decided to take some photograph of them, i don't like to call it pre-wedd photo's, sounds too commercial..it's just my little present to a friend, a good friend...rnrnand there you go, wish you guys enjoy it as much as i do..OE...? dimananya OE...? ini exposure normal koq....yg bilang OE, mending baca thread /isi/forum/topik.php?id=51118 dulu yah....before you talk about over exposed..:)
13 tahun yang lalu
saya ada sedikit solusi buat yang terganggu. pakai (atau beli kalo belum punya) kacamata hitam, dan lihat foto ini dengan kemiringan yang disukai
nggak oe kok.. cuma mercusuar miring aja :)
sumpahhh sebell banget gw....dikit2 OE...ayolahhh guyss jgn terlalu terkungkung sm aturan baku,,,,nti gak bisa berkembang lhoo!!! Byk koq foto OE yg bagus....lagi2 kembali kpd konsep nya
14 tahun yang lalu
OE? not at all kok Brad, great shots n colortone i guess.
ngakak gw ini dibilang OE....great one mr brad..nice exposure
nice komposisi n concept. tonenya oke .. (masi bngung gw sama selera fotografer indo yg selalu mempermasalahkan OE..OE.dan OE.. padahal di luar negri.. malah lagi marak2'a.. ) NICE ONE SIR.
gradasi biru nya keren . . tapi di mata gw sih sedikit silau . . dan kurang sreg dengan mercusuar nya yang sedikit miring . . salam santun . . m/
viewnya kerenn...moment yg cakep...salam landscape dari kuala tungka-jambi
Lovely mood, cantik sekali komposisinya!
Sweet moment & nice sharing... salam HB
nice moment...salam,
OEnya boss...birunya oke banged
i enjoy it so much, bro....... i share the same happiness........... brgds.