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Trina E. Tallei (597)
Sehabis hujan di awal musim semi. Pelanginya terlihat begitu dekat, tapi ternyata jauh. Rasa-rasanya ingin mendekati the end of rainbow, tapi kok semakin didekati semakin jauh.nnIn Norse Mythology, a rainbow called the Bifröst Bridge connects the realms of Ãsgard and Midgard, homes of the gods and humans, respectively. The Irish leprechaun's secret hiding place for his pot of gold is usually said to be at the end of the rainbow. This place is impossible to reach, because the rainbow is an optical effect which depends on the location of the viewer. When walking towards the end of a rainbow, it will move further away. (Source : Wikipedia)nnTerima kasih sudah mampir dan berkomentar d ^___^nnNb : Foto asli (hanya dicrop dan diatur level n contrast)
14 tahun yang lalu
Momen yang unik dan langka kalo bisa ketangkep seperti ini, mudah2an bukan oldig ya.. Salam..
nice rainbow...oiya mampir2 jg k tmpt aku dong...aku jg ada motret pelangi....lam knl ya.....good pict
noise ya .... tapi viewnya cakep banget .... senang banget lihatnya .... salam
keren pelanginya....moment ya mantap.....salam
keren.......tapi ini filter effec or oldig kah... kok rainbownya sampe tanah