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Eka Oktariyanto Nugroho (71632)
Rhythm of Life nby Eileen Carney HulmennnThe clock is silentnnowadays clocks no longernneed to makenthat rhythmic sound of life.nnWe have moved onnand everything is changednI am no longer sadnI don't weep for you.nnIn still momentsnI see you solitary, reflective-nrunning with the wind along the waterfrontnwith your Walkman on.nnRadiowaves carry wordsnof a song we sharednand I am free to smilenat the thought of you.nnBig and handsomenthe scent of younlike a powerful beast lingersnuntamed by this world.nnI know you still swim with dolphinsnin the cold North SeanI know you still laughnand drink wine with friends.nnI know you live by the seasonsnand time is not your enemy,nthe clock is silentnI don't weep for you, I weep for me.
14 tahun yang lalu
view nya cakep sekali
tonal nya memikat hati../salam
sajian Ir ..... yang mantap dan tiada pernah surut ...... khas ....... tonal dan kompo ......yang indah yang mantap .............. tambah keterangan ..... jadi lebih bercerita ......... salam
weiiiyyyyyyy....sdaapppp btullllll....mantaaappp komposisi IR nya...
bening banget mas... IR nya mantab tab tab tab... josss
hontoni kirei desu.......
Dramatis sekali
keren nih,landscape IR+puisi makin OK.. :D
Romance of nature will be told the true stories.... Mantap nih tone dan komposisinya. Mohon petunjuknya.... utk juniormu... Salam kenal
keren tone IR nya.........farming dan komponya cakep.....salam
Ck..ck..ck..Great capture, mas upload jg versi full colornya, absolutely keren, salam