Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Eka Oktariyanto Nugroho (71632)
I’ve lost the ability to express,nThoughts are nothing but a jumbled mess.nI’m surprised at how time moulds you,nI’m awed at how life holds you.nnHands draw you back and keep you glued to the ground,nChain you with reality; gnaw at you like a hound.nnTime heals your sour wounds but leave a deep scar,nTo remind you of those failures you have accumulated so far.nYou’ve to suppress your voice when you want to cry,nShadows don’t leave you no matter how hard you try.nnAn emptiness fills your whole being,nYou wonder how to escape this wretched feeling.nYou await a small opening from inside the closed doors,nA share of sun, a ray that’s your.nnWhen, Why how your being was transformed,nWho is this stranger in the reflection,nYour mirror has formed.nnSuffocating is this alien personality,nYou dread to open eyes and accept the reality.nnShikha Singh
14 tahun yang lalu
Fantastic IR !!.......great IR works as always bro' ..
warna2nya bener2 cakep mas..... keren...... salamm
Selalu indah... suka komponya , tonal dan refleksinya... salam kw
suguhan tonal IR yang selalu menawan bro...salam
TOnalnya beda ama yang lain...keren...salam hangat dari jogja...
wow ...... bener bener ...... jepretan ilusi ..... sependapatan dengan fotografernya ......... selain juga tontonan ini membangun semangat penonton untuk berimajinasi ...... jauh melayang ........ keren ..... salam
asli ga kuat bikin ngiler irnya bsk sabtu hunting bareng bos...
refleksi n view nya cakep...tone unik....salam dr tanhair...
Manteb tenaann!
wow...indahnya....komposisi tonal yang keren bgt...salam za
Cakep tone IRnya .... Salam
tonal dahsyat...cakep framing nya....
ranting dan tonenya keren oom...