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Eka Oktariyanto Nugroho (71632)
Sound Of Silencenn nnHere within the sound of silencenI lay my head to sleepnBut deep inside my heartnI yearn for your lovenMy tired eyes lids rednFrom shedding warm tearsnnBut my love for you without regretnThe music of my love for younAs gentle as a dovenThat caresses my heartnnAnd gently caresses my soulnAnd as I lull myself to sleepnTo sail upon my dreams with younnHere within the sound of silent lovennAnd upon the shores of my drifting thoughtsnnThe wings of love lifts me higher…far awaynnUntil shiny feathers softly waft downwardsnFluttering and gently fallingnnDancing within my starlit dreamsnUntil the first light of the morn!nnnCopyright © 2005 Tinka Boukes
14 tahun yang lalu
kereeeeeenn !!! ngga bosen2 ngeliat fotonya... salam... :)
waks.. i love this pic...
weleh....weleh.......uapik tenan tonale......olahane alus...........salam za
POI keren....tone aduhaiiii
nice..versi berwarna lebih greget mas.. salam..
pemandangan yang cerah .......... suatu jepretan yang merekam suasana dengan kompo dan tonal indah ......... asik ........ tampilannya ....... salam
selalu dahsyaat IRnya om.. saluut. salam^^
cakep selalu tonenya.... komponya asyik.... salam hangat selalu :)
IRnya enak..komponya juga enak..langitnya bagus tuh..sayang rada ketutup pohon yah..
oh..keren sekali..tone oke..salam
Gorjess sekali eksekusinya.....:)
great IR...salam