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Eka Oktariyanto Nugroho (71632)
the space between usnthe spacenbetween us is separatednby our ownnself-madenpillarsnnin thereni breathenand take my chancesnof definingnall over againnwhat love isnwhat mynexistencenmeansnnin thereni sigh and starenand look at younfrom a distancenwhat younare beyondnmy intimatentouchnnwe agreenon it, the need for spacenand travelingninside ourselvesntrying to figurenoutnif we still belongnto each other's armsnif our kissesnstill have thenwarmthnnthe promise and the vownthat we must questionnin ordernto survivennlove and its hazardsnthat only timenand spacenand emptinessncan tellnnRIC S. BASTASA
14 tahun yang lalu
bgs bgt viewnya...
tonenya cakep banget.... suka banget warna IRnya itu... salam selalu :)
komposisi nya jossss, bro.... tonal ir nya selalu yahuuudd, no doubt no question.......salam selamat pagi........
kanvas IR............
Keren bro... nice pict! salam HB
Keren fotonya.....tonalnya ajib mas Eka...salam
Wellcome back IR nya selalu mantap tonenya om eka dan lain dr yang lain. AMole
selalu dgn IR yang menawan....salam om
Wuih keren abis bos IRnya. Sayang jempolnya cuma bisa kasih 3.
bagus tone IR nya......view dan komponya cakep mas.....apa kabar?
very nice mas mas tonal nya.......komposisinya mantep...
wah .... kangen foto yg beginian khas mas Oto .... salam dari jakarta ...
mantap kali Pak IR-nya.. salam