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moh.Fachry Rhozy (2458)
the children are the honest ..nwhen they sad they'll be weepy cry ..nthey'll angry when they flew out the anger ..nwhen they do not like something they would be tell the truth ..nwhen the arguing with their friends they'll had a fight ..nnBut in the next day they all already forgive and forget ..nnchildren's problem is easier to solve rather the adult's because they do not keep inside their heart Vengeance ..nnso innocent
15 tahun yang lalu
true.... his face is so innocent... salam didi :)
nice sir !!
mata anak-anak,..... bening, ........
wuiiihhh.. keren detil bgt!! bener2 innocent.. tone nya mateng bgt.. foto favorit saya nih.. salam dari penggemar foto anak2
tuajemmm detil top..............tanpa dosa........salam:)