Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Aryono Imam Kusumo, Ryo (10398)
Milk and toast and honeynnmake it sunny on a rainy Saturday, he-he-heynnMilk and toast, some coffee nntake the stuffiness out of days you hate, you really hatennSlow morning news pass me bynnI try not to analyze nnbut didn't he blow my mind this timennDidn't he blow my mind?nn....
14 tahun yang lalu
Dramatis....dg syair kyk lagu ny Roxette! BW ny cantik....
........... It's raining, raining, raining deep in heaven........... foto ke 99 niiiiiihhh......... 1 lagi 100............. m/
mulai aktif lagi nih.. sama donk :)
i'm so hollow baby ... i'm so i'm so ... i'm so hollow
Ga ngerti.. But whatever it is, it look's great.. Regards..
saat terang dan hujan mu.........
maestro is come back...bravo...
sangat inspiratif....
mari kita ramaikan lagi dunia hitam putih ini. salam hangat dariku sahabat
bring that mood!
Gw ga ngerti tapi okelah...I like it choy
Bunga dan tetes air dikaca.., menarik..., salam dari Zoetermeer