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Peter Horst (10293)
Some Days ago when I was trekking around my Place ,a Blizzard surprise me. In 2 minutes you cant see more then 5 meters. I found the only Tree on this flat Field and he give me Shelter till the End of the Storm. nI and my Cam surrive ;-)nnDate Time Original: 2010:01:30 13:39:49nISO Speed Ratings: 100
14 tahun yang lalu
Lonely tree... Nice B/W... rgrd
Nice photo. Beautifuly composed.
love it
15 tahun yang lalu
a simple great photograph
good isolation object in white foreground and background.. i think you can make sharper the tree for giving more impression to the picture..
sederhana tp tidak sesederhana bentuk nya,,, saya suka dgn kontras nya om... judul dan eksekusinya jg manis om...
salutt sama ide + judulnyaa. =)
the beauty of simplicity...
..simply stunnniiinnggg dude :D
nice shot...salam
speechless.. very nice shoot and greatfull idea..
Nice moment, grat ide, well done, regards
simple,tapi gahar nih foto.,.,haha.,.salam kenal