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Michael Moody (2595)
Just outside of Zion National Park, the Watchman is a prominent landmark.
15 tahun yang lalu
Very nice composition....love the tone too, keep upload please, I'd like to see more beutiful scenery from US...warm regard !
keren IR n viewnya bro.....salam
beautiful landscape..jd ingin liat view keseluruhannya
i like the color contrast, do you take vertical orientation too? little river and the watchman.
Great shot nature photograph..Really love the compo and the quality of the light..
josgandhos view n tonalnya.... Nice landscape... salam yogyes
mantap tenan iki rek....tonenya luar binasa.....salam crop
Lukisan cahaya yg sangat indah...Salam kenal....
angle, landscape n smwnya dech, kerennn...salam
beautiful landscape... i love the tone & light at the hill. regards..
nice shot.. compo, angle n tone are very good.. warm regard from jogja..