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Yuda Rizki (6798)
Never happy, not satisfiednAlways complains for nothingnHopes and dreams are fading awaynnIt's not hard to figure it outnThere's no doubt, you'll find a waynnLive the moment, each and every day...nn*moony - i dont know why*nn50mm f 1.8
15 tahun yang lalu
Terangin dikit lagi bro.... mantap.........
asik2 tonenya ....kurang terang dikit bro....IMHO......
IMHO CMIIW modelnya kurang tidur Om..btw tonenya lembut..
hehehe modelnya menggoda...DOFnya tipis bgt
kolase nya keren
mantap ko Aong,...... tonalnya OK,. kompo asik,........... salam ko