Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Karina Saputri (10372)
...and perhaps we've met years ago
15 tahun yang lalu
asik... poto narsis yang cakep... :)
kakak hebat deh...
...if not, i hope in the future then...
Kalo ibarat tindak pidana..ini pasal berlapis hehehe..Selamet ah...
idem Rahmul..
rapih banget nge-clone stamp nyah.. ;p
very good! very nice! nby.
...jejak-jejak langkah
ach..tiada yang lainnya....................................
What a great one, is that me? Haha. Salam hangat!
eduaan...like this kind of parallel world theme...maybe we've met in the previous life, maybe we were lovers then,maybe..maybe..maybe
not all, choose one..
ajarin dunk kakak.... :)
perhaps perhaps ... perhaps
perlu passport untuk pergi ke masa lalu...
kay, waktu di chat, gw pernah suggest lo aplod foto ini. lo bilang "itu udah" gw keukeuh bilang belom. lo keukeuh bilang udah. dan sekarang? lihat? siapa yang bener?
walking to remember..............
could be...
dramatis sekali.BW yang sangat menarik
superb abstract shot Karina!