Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Adhi Rachdian (2918)
Date Time Original: 2009:08:22 08:08:01rnISO Speed Ratings: 400rnrnEditing menggunakan LR:rn- Resizern- WB: Temp -41, Tint: +25rnPlus Burn 5% di PS CS3rnSelebihnya apa adanya.rnrnSiluet foto satir/sindiran 3 ekor monyet yg bergelantungan di pohon tanpa sepucuk daunpun, tandus... bagaimana nasib sang monyet?rnrnEarth Poems -- familyfriendpoemsrn==========================rnThe earth is the planet given to us by G-d to live on. Despite what scientists might have us believe, it is the only planet in our solar system that can humanity can comfortably inhabit. The earth is a paradise for the creatures that live on it. Every species on earth has its place in the circle of life. Human beings need food, clothing, shelter to survive. All of these are provided in ample supply on G-d's green earth. It is an unfortunate fact the we have not taken good care of the land that has been placed in our guardianship. Hopefully, it is not too late.
15 tahun yang lalu
mantap abiss fotonya, bro
konsep n idenya....josss.....oom...salam:)
siluet yang keren abiiiissss.... langka nih.
cakep siluetnya..nice momment om..salam,
tambahan keterangan jd lebih mantapp...
Pesannya luar biasa... saluttt untuk foto ini. :)
moment mantap..foto mantap..keren! :)
bagus tapi kayanya agak ue yah monyetnya, coba kalau terang dikit yang monyet. IMHO yah
mantep.. nice moment.. nice tone... save our earth dah...
wieh... kalo ada diatas 3tu saya bersedia memberi penilaian lebih.. untuk konsep dan temanya. IMHO selera.. kalau tone merah mungkin lebih mengerucutkan maksud.. salam jabat.
diantara birunya langit.. dan ranting yang menopangnya mereka becanda riang.. berlompatan seperti menari.. tanpa takut apa yang akan terjadi esok hari..................salam hangat