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Eka Oktariyanto Nugroho (71632)
- Far Beyond Driven -rnThere is nothing. No education. No family life to open myrnArms to. You'd say that my job is today, yet gone tomorrow.rnI'll be broke in a gutter.rnI know the opinion. A broken record. Fuck you and yourrnCollege dream. Fact is, we're stronger than all.rnYou're working for perfect bodies, perfect minds and perfectrnNeighbors. But I'm helping to legalize dope onrnrnYour pristine streets and I'm making a fortune.rnYou're muscle and gall. Naive at best. I'm bone, brain andrnCock. Deep down stronger than all.rnA sad state of affairs. A crippled America. A pipe dreamrnButtfucked. Immune. Stronger than all.rnrnA lament for a rookie officer, punk ass weak little lamb.rnFor the mob, truly, does rule at this particular time.rnWe've grown into a monster. An arrogant, explosive motherfuck.rnHard as a rock. Shut like a lock.rnFinally, the president in submission. He holds out his hand onrnYour television and draws back a stump. It's too late for some.rnrnFar too late.rnrnNo more holdbacks. No more paying a cops paycheck. Let himrnBust his own child. The son that heeds my word and smokes my dope.rnThe daughter that sucks me off and snorts cheap anything.rnHail Kings. The new Kings. Stronger than all.rnA simple process to legalize. There would not be a choice but tornTake our side. Be there no question of certain strengths. KnowrnThis intention. Forever stronger than allrnrnBy PANTERA
15 tahun yang lalu
olahan tonal yang indah walaupun kesannya agak gelap.
View IR yg menawan, salut om eka, Amole
hmmh.. nice photo nih..
Suka dengan olahan tone IR anda. komposisi menarik.
jeli banget ambil angle, nice view
paten framing IR-nya..cantiiiikkk... salam,smoga berkenan..
tonal dan komposisinya selalu menarik. kereeen. salam hangat mey mks.
The beautiful natural... slam salut sllu... olahan IR y itu yg bkin jdi menawan... :)
..dalam rangka umug,,huh! apik tenan fotone tp umug tenan! huh!
haduh salut dah buat fotonya...frame nya juga asik bgt bro...ajarin dunk bro...hehehehe....salam dari solo
Paling suka ama detil daun2 pine nya itu loh, hebat banget !!!
aku masih belum bisa nalar.. sharpen tapi gak pecah... salut ajah...
Emang nih, mas Eka IRnya mantep2. Sip3...
kemane aje baru upload om... cakep neh tone irnya... ranting-2nya nggemesin om...
semakin jago aja IR nya....pokoke...wis jagoan..salam
IRnya keren banget.. suka dengan tonal dan framingnya. Salam dari Medan :)
canggih tenan.. dedikasi buat dime nich ceritanya.. huehe.. salam cowboy from hell.
greatt deh ppokok nyaa...tonal nya yang ini...asikk.....kompo nya menarik slau..... salam dari de shuuta fukuoka..
kyaaaaaaaaaa....detail bangeeeeeeeet....mantaaap Pak...iyaaa bikin iriiiii...heeheee, btw..lensanya super wide tuh hehee
viewnya kyak lukisah hidup broo . . .nice . . .salam slalu dr jayapura
.........................[ numero uno, kalo masalah IR... ampuuun ]
dam yea.. keren abis.. mantaps bener !!! gila kerenn...
Framing & tone IR nya dashyat... Nice photo bos...!!!
IR yang menakjubkan... salut...
Sedaaaaaappppp....pake kamera ajaib yo Mas....;)) Salam FN dari Jakarta...