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Fu Yung (158609)
Lokasi : Tulang Bawang, Lampung Tengah rn rnNikon D200 V3+ OYEEE rnwith Nikon 18-55 f/3.5-5.6 DX AF-S rnStitching dari 3 frames vertical angle @FL 18mm , EV 0 rnSpot favoritku tiap kali ada tugas kantor ke area Pondsite ini rn rn rn rnrnBlow on you restless wind, up to your old tricks again rnBear down you the sun, you make the desserts dry and the brush fires run rnSplintered wood rusty chains, this old front porch swing remains rnA pendulum of memories, goes back and forth on a summer breeze rn rnFrom the days way back before my time rnWith a little child upon my knee rnSinging every sweet word back to me rnLook how far I had to come rnTo get back where I started from rnWith a child's wisdom passin' time rn rnI've run the race I've walked the wire, rnI paid the price of my desire rnAnd the only time I've known it all, is just before I took a fall rnSo howl your lone coyote song, fade to sapphire sky of dawn rnCount me in the lucky men, to send the world around again rnrn rnrnThanks by dropped in, C&C are welcomes .... thanks & GBU alls
15 tahun yang lalu
mantap bos..HDR?ato apa neh
bagus banget! sempurna, kaya enggak di indo aja!!
lightingnya sempurna mas,.... pas banget momentnya, salam
wow,, luar biasa.. nice goldie... salam hangat selalu
emang enak moto pake IR ini............................. sedap warna nya........................... salam "The Patiakers"
such a nice light for golden sunset... cakepp kakk... :)
keren bro .... sambil ngimpi punya kamera IR oprekan ... hehehehehe
suka banget aku liatnya, om.. kerenn..
keren bro...tone nya yahuuuud....
Mantab sekali tone dan frame...salam.
keren ... jadi penger ir yg versi oyee ;)
simple tapi berbobot :)
Keren banget, and inspirational sekali photonya
beautiful shot & tone..........love the compo
mantap ,.........salute
Tonenya kan selalu memikat euy.....adem....;)
sip tonalnya..oke.. kompo pas..keren.. salam,smoga berkenan..
olahan tonesnya unik dan cantik nih bro.... indah sekali viewnya !
dramatis, mistik en sakral....great work
Beautiful, kayak di desa di Eropa.
cakep tonenya.....kompo dan lightingnya apik......salut
masih menarik senior.. salut... salam hangat selalu^_^
nice IR tone.. komponya jg apik
juara tone ir mu kang.. apik tenan
Suka banget ama komponyaaa..tone IRnya jg cakep....!