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Antonius Van Den Brink (20045)
lili's (tekken 5 DR) cosplay by Yolanda rnLili (full name Emily Rochefort) is a character in the Tekken fighting game series, Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection. She is also set to appear in Tekken 6.Nothing much is known of Lili yet, though she appears somewhat childish, compassionate and arrogant. rnrnIn general, Lili's behavior appears haughty, as she seems to strive for grace, beauty, and poise with every movement—even and especially during fights. She is also very confident in her fighting abilities, as shown by her winning and pre-match quotes. Her behavior, however, is split between efforts to sate her own need for fighting and a deep love for her father, who abhors violence. As an example of the latter, before fighting her Stage Four sub-boss, Ganryu.
15 tahun yang lalu
nice konsepnya om !
awesome job!!
mantab ini....hooooh...
wah ga berani komen ah.. takut modelnya galak...hehehe
Ide dan konsep'y menarik bngt.. Nice compose.. Wah jd pengen maen tekken lg nih xixixixixi..
wah cakep nich.. nice work om..
MANTAP lightingnya neh.. cuma agak silau cahaya BG nya..
Mantaf.... suka ama tonal dan fill flashnya.... salam
yups.... secara teknis cakep banget mnrt sy nih boss..... keren
Salut.. keren semua nya...